NINE: represents me, Héléne (founder), it’s my lucky number, this 9 has always been with me! 
EIGHT: represents Hector, my big baby, my little one, born September 8, 2017. 
SEVEN: represents Victoire, my little baby, my little girl, born January 7, 2020. 


Pretty online store dedicated to children's fashion. I offer you pieces from interesting brands & designers, from around the world, both well-known and less well-known. There is minimalist to maximalist, for girls & boys & lots of mixed pieces that can be shared or passed on between brothers & sisters. What all pieces have in common is their emphasis on design, quality and comfort.


The ninetoseven adventure began in 2021... My love for fashion is known, I already own an eshop for women; Ninebyln since 2016.  But in 2017 & 2020, I had two little loves (girl & boy). I then discovered the world of children's fashion & there was a revelation, I love dressing children even more & I spend a lot more on them. I scour the internet every night looking for stylish & comfortable rooms. 
So I decided to launch into this new boutique simply because I discovered some lovely brands that are worth knowing about.. 

I hope you and your little ones enjoy the items as much as I enjoyed choosing them. Let's hope this is just the beginning of this beautiful story...